Documents Donated By James T. Newman Civil Defense Dir. Johnson County Kentucky

  1. Paintsville/Johnson County Kentucky Emergency Operations Plan 1980 Full Document PDF File.
    PaintsvilleJohnsonEOP1980.pdf 22Mb File Size
  2. Documents from Chemical, Biological, Radiological Defense School Materials
    1. Documents From Chemical Warfare Section of Materials. All Adobe PDF files. 1.5 to 4MB file sizes.
      1. Civil Defense Technical Bulletin TB-11-25 July 1956. Introduction To Chemical Warfare.
      2. Civil Defense Technical Bulletin TB-11-26 July 1956. General Concepts Of Chemical Warfare.
      3. Civil Defense Technical Bulletin TB-11-28 Jan 1957. Chemical Warfare Agents Of Special Significance To Civil Defense.
      4. Civil Defense Technical Bulletin TB-11-29 Apr 1957. Chemical Agent Detector Kit, CD V-810.
      5. Civil Defense Technical Bulletin TB-11-32 July 1957. War Gas Decontamination.
      6. Protective Mask And Chemical Agent Detector Kit Familiarizaton Booklet, Sept. 1959
      7. OCDM Advisory Bulletin No. 246 Availability Of Chemical Warfare Protective Equipment
    2. Documents From Biological Warfare Section of Materials 3Mb File Size
      1. Civil Defense Technical Bulletin TB-55-18 April 1955. Biological Warefare Against Public Water Supplies.
    3. Documents From Radiological Section Of Materials
      1. Civil Defense Technical Bulletin TB-11-20 June 1959. Radiological Instruments For Civil Defense.
      2. Civil Defense Technical Bulletin TB-11-21 March 1961. Fallout And The Winds.
      3. Civil Defense Technical Bulletin TB-11-22 February 1960. Radiation Physics And Bomb Phenomenology.

Civil Defense Fallout Shelter Plans/Documents

Family Shelter Designs Booklet H-7
The original DOD OCD fallout shelter plan booklet featuring eight shelter plans off all types. The original date on this booklet is Jan. 1962.
This is a high resolution scan so it's a large file at 18Mb.
FamilyShelterDesigns.pdf(18Mb file size)

Expedient Fallout Shelter Plans
Plans for making Fallout Shelters in emergencies. Make a shelter out of a car, logs, doors, all kinds of stuff. Even has plans to make a air ventilation pump, bucket stove and an oil lamp. Just print this document out and start building!
expfoutshelters.pdf (857Kb file size)

DCPA CPG 1-19 July 1978 Guidance For Development Of An Emergency Fallout Shelter Stocking Plan
DCPA manual for stocking fallout shelters after the federal supplies were no longer available.
DCPAcpg1-19.pdf (1.1Mb file size)

Standard Supplies For The Fallout Shelter
This document that was sent to me several years ago by another CD collector. I can't remember now where he said that he found it but it's particularly interesting in that it appears to be a very early description of the supplies to be stocked in community shelters. The title of the document is "Standard Supplies For The Fallout Shelter" and it has "ANNEX E" at the bottom of each page. I thought it might be part of the Federal Civil Defense Guide but it doesn't have "FCDG" anywhere on it. It might be an early part of the FCDG I'm just not sure. The second sentence of the first paragraph of the document reads "The further development of packaging and material will cause this paper to be amended as development dictates" which reads like it's a preliminary document that was expected to be amended pretty quickly.
What I find most intersting about this document is that the make-up of Medical Kits, Sanitation Kits, Radiological Kits are quite different than the final versions that were stocked in shelters. By "final versions" of the supplies I go by the description of the shelter supplies found in the Federal Civil Defense Guide, Part D, Chapter 2, Appendix 1 dated January 1965. All the shelter supplies I show on this site are "final versions" of the supplies stocked in shelters. In this document the water containers are described as fiberboard drums which did exist though I have never seen any of the other versions of any of the kits described.
shelsuppearly.pdf (1Mb file size)

Paperwork found with Civil Defense Emergency Hostpital in McKinney, TX

Fallout Shelter Supply Shipping Receipt
There are several interesting things on this receipt. The "unit price" column lists the actual prices for each type of supply issued. Water Barrels $1.65 Sanitation Kit lists for $7.31 etc. The note "Legal title for the above supplies trans to political subdivision upon release of shipment" shows that fallout shelter supplies became property of the local govt. when the suppplies were delivered.
cdshipdoc1.jpg (125Kb file size)

Civil Defense Emergency Hosptial Packing Lists
Some packing list sheets from the Civil Defense Emergency Hospital I found in Mc Kinney Tx.
This document is in pdf format and shows 4 packing list receipts.
cdehpklists.pdf (360Kb file size)

Radiation Instrument Manuals and FEMA Memos and Documents

FEMA CPG 4-1 Section 9.1 Victoreen CD V-715 Retrofit Instructions
The complete retrofit instructions for the Victoreen Model 1a and 1b CD V-715s from the FEMA CPG 4-1 Maintenance and Calibration manual set. I never imagined that it was such an involved process before I read this thing. I thought they just replaced some resistors and put the "R" on the top of the case.

FEMA Civil Preparedness Guide (CPG) 2-2
Use of Civil Defense Radiological Instruments for Peacetime Radiological Emergencies
This 1991 FEMA publication discusses the various Civil Defense Instruments and what they can and
can't be used for. Has 1991 kit make-up chart and description of CD V-700, 715, 717, 750, 138, 730, 740 and 742 instruments.
femacpg2-2.pdf (1.2Mb file size)

Radiological Instruments: An Essential Resource for National Preparedness

Comprehensive 63 page FEMA publication with history of Civil Defense radiological instruments, detailed descriptions, and a list of all the different instruments issued. The best document I have concerning Civil Defense instruments.
femacpg3-1.pdf (3.4Mb file size)

Bendix Family Radiation Kit Manual

This is a pdf file of the Bendix Family Radiation Kit operation and maintenance manual.
A little difficult to read in Acrobat, but prints out good.
bendfamkit.pdf (672Kb file size)

Victoreen Fallout Detection Meter Manual
This is a pdf file of the commercially sold Victoreen Fallout Detection Meter manual.
A little difficult to read in Acrobat, but prints out good. This one scanned a bit weird because
the manual is badly water damaged.
vicfallmeter.pdf (541Kb file size)

CD V-457 Model 2 Radiological Demonstration Unit Manual
Instruction Maintenance & Experiment Manual for the 457 Demonstration Unit. I have split this manual into two sections. The first section is the instruction and maintenance manual for the instrument itself and the second section has experiments for the CD V-457 demonstration set.
457manual2a.pdf (2.1Mb file Size)
CD V-457 Model 2 Manual Experiments Section.
457manualexps.pdf(830Kb File Size)

CD V-700 Model 1 Nuclear Measurements Corp. GS-3CD
This was scanned from an old photocopy of the original manual. The manual's photos are rough but the rest of the manual is readable.
CDV700Model1GS3CDManual.pdf (1.3Mb File Size)

CD V-700 Model 3 Instruction and Maintenance Manual
This manual is a strange one. The manufacturer name on the manual is International Pump & Machine Works but the meter pictured inside is a Chatham. Most of the parts in the parts list are Chatham part numbers. I don't know if IP&MW made the meter for Chatham or the other way around.

CD V-700 Maintenance & Calibration Bulletin M&C No. 88-4
Modification to add components to increase life of CD V-700 transistors.

FEMA Maintenance and Calibration Memoranda

Every wonder why some of those old CD meters have been spray painted?
This memo explains how to dispose of old obsolete CD meters.
FEMAdispose.pdf (57Kb file size)

FEMA memo listing obsolete CD Radiation Instruments
obsolete.pdf (50Kb file size)

FEMA CPG 4-1 Section 30 AC Dosimeter Charger Instructions.
CPG4-1ACCharger.pdf (400Kb file size)

Civil Defense Siren Manuals And Other Related Documents

FEMA CPG 1-17 Outdoor Warning Systems Guide
FEMA guide to setting up an outdoor warning system.
femacpg1-17n.pdf(1.8Mb file size)

Federal Thunderbolt Siren Manuals

Thunderbolt A-series 1st Edition Manual
Tbolt-1.pdf (3.2Mb file size)

Thunderbolt A-series 2nd Edition Manual
Tbolt-2.pdf (6.3Mb file size)

Thunderbolt B-series Manual
Tbolt-3.pdf (3.2Mb file size)

Thunderbolt C-series Manual
Tbolt-4.pdf (3.2Mb file size)

Various Federal Outdoor Warning Siren Manuals

Model 2, Model 5, Model SD-10, Model STH-10, Model STL-10 Manual
2-5-SD10-STH10-STL10-255A154F.pdf (3.3Mb file size)

Model 2T22, Model 3T22 Manual
255A152H-2T22-3T22.pdf (5Mb file size)

Manual For Federal PGA, AR, AF, AR5, AF5 Siren Timers
ARandAFTimerManual.pdf (400kb file size)

ACA Siren Manuals

ACA Hurricane 130 Manual
Hurricane_130_Manual.pdf (2.6Mb File Size)

ACA Hurricane 130 MKII Manual
Hurricane_130_MK2.pdf (2.6Mb File Size)

Civil Defense Audio And Video Files.

Civil Defense Audio - Radio Spots From In Time Of Emergency Radio Kit No. 1

These radio spots were taken from the In Time of Emergency Radio kit #1 released by the Office of Civil Defense in 1968. The radio kit consists of 1-12" record album with ten radio spots on it. The files are all in .mp3 format.

Radioactive Fallout (mp3)

This spot describes what radioactive fallout is, where it comes from and what is dangerous about it. I can't imagine actually hearing something like this on the radio.

Attack Warning (mp3)

This spot describes the attack warning signal. Find out from your local Civil Defense office the attack warning system that will be used in your community.

If Caught In The Open (mp3)

This spot describes the basic "Duck and Cover" drill if you are out in the open and there is a "Brilliant Nuclear Flash."

Public Shelter Sign (mp3)

Wherever you go, whatever you do, it's always wise to keep an eye open for the black and yellow Public Fallout shelter signs.

Improvising Fallout Protection (Homes with Basements) (mp3)

In a basement, choose a corner most below ground and away from windows. Drag in a heavy bench or table to make a roof for your shelter.

Improvising Fallout Protection (Homes without Basements) (mp3)

If regular shelter isn't available, and even if your home has no basement, you could still improvise some limitied fallout protection...

What to Take to Shelter (mp3)

There is one easy, sensible thing your family should do to prepare for a possible time of emergency. Set aside a few simple, basic supplies you'll need to take to the public fallout shelter.

Emergency Water Supply (mp3)

If necessary, you can even drink water that has been exposed to fallout, however, very young children should be given non-contaminated liquids when available.

Fire Hazards (mp3)

If there is ever a nuclear emergency, special fire precautions should be taken, particularly if you plan to use a home shelter.This one has a different announcer. He has an interesting way that he says "shelterrrr", "waterr" and "firrre".

Follow Official Instructions (mp3)

Especially in time of emergency, think before you act, and follow instructions by responsible authorities.

Civil Defense Audio - In Time Of Emergency Radio Kit 2

These public service announcements were taken from the In Time of Emergency Radio kit #2 released by the Office of Civil Defense in 1968. The radio kit consists of 1-12" record album with six radio spots on it. Actually these really aren't "radio spots" because they are range from 2:19 to 6:56 minutes in length. The files are all in .mp3 format.

Here are are the notes from the back of the record jacket....

The public service announcements in this kit are based upon instructions in the Office of Civil Defense handbook, "In Time Of Emergency," published in March 1968. There is no special significance to the release of the kit at this time.

Twice in recent history, the United States has become involved in international situations of such gravity that enemy nuclear attack was feared a possibility. And each time, radio stations have been besieged with calls from listeners asking what practical measures a person might take to increase his chance for survival.

To help meet this need, if a similar crisis occurs in the future, the Office Of Civil Defense, Department of Defense, has prepared two series of transcribed announcements (Radio Kit #1 and #2) containing information of value to all citizens in helping to prepare themselves for a time of emergency.

The content of RADIO KIT #2 contains six special announcements of greater length that the usual radio spots, which are intended for use in time of extreme emergency when your listeners would need more detailed information and instructions for their protection.

However, there is much useful guidance that can't be offered from the national level, since local conditions and problems may vary from one community to another.

That is why the Office of Civil Defense intends that this EMERGENCY INFORMATION RADIO KIT be delivered to you by your area civil defense director of other local official who has the resposibility for preparing your community for possible nuclear emergency. He will be glad to add any special local information and instructions your listeners may need.

Side 1
1. Main Hazards Of Nuclear Attack (mp3) (4:58)
2. Fire Prevention--Firefighting (mp3) (3:47)
3. Attack Warning (mp3) (2:57)

Side 2
1. Where to Find Shelter--What To Take Along (mp3) (2:19)
2. Improvising Fallout Protection (mp3) (6:56)
3. Food and Water (mp3) (4:40)
Civil Defence Film Audio Files From The UK.

I have to thank Dave Mapley for sending me this sound file in May of 2002.
Here are his comments about this sound file that he sent to me....

The first is a sound recording of a public information film from a series called 'Protect and Survive.' They were originally made in the mid 1960's and revamped around about 1980. They were in a cartoon format and would have been been shown in tandem with a parallel newspaper campaign during the transition to war period (TTW.)

UK Protect and Survive Audio Clip (mp3)

I also received three more UK sound files from Matt in Lancashire UK in July of 2004.
Here are his comments about this sound file that he sent to me....

Hello, I have been morbidly obsessed with cold war lore ever since my Swiss auntie let me sleep in her fallout shelter back in '86 (it was much like the home shelter on your site, except all her neighbours' houses had one as well).

Attached are three mp3s from the Protect & Survive films (0f which 20 were made in 1975). I know you already have Make Your Fallout Room and Inner Refuge NOW on your site, but what the heck - here're a couple more you might want to consider.

Patrick Allen, the severe narrator, now does voice-overs for comedy shows and bleach adverts. In fact, when I recently played Sanitation Care to a friend he thought it was a skit on the futility of surviving nuclear war. - Matt, Lancashire, UK

Casualties-mp3 1.4Mb File Size

Sanitation Care-mp3 2.3Mb File Size

Stay_at_home-mp3 1.2Mb File Size

Video Stuff

For all my other videos see my youtube channel here.
KDFW Channel 4 News Story

On February 15, 2003 KDFW Channel 4 came to my house and did a news story on my web site/collection. The story aired on the 6 and 9 O'clock news that night. To see a video of the news report click on the link below.
Channel 4 News Story Video (WMV File)
I have to give a HUGE THANKS to Brent Willcox for capturing this video!
I have not posted this video on my youtube channel because they might remove it since it's an actual newscast.

Civil Defense Museum Site Index
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