U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Fallout Shelter Photographs
Wichita, Kansas, Date 1968

These photos were taken in the Boeing Company-Wichita Division Plant, Wichita, Kansas. I have no information on these images except the captions that are on the back of the 8x10 prints. The images are displayed with the captions as they are written on the back of the prints. Any additional comments that I may ad will appear in Italics.

CD1353- Security Guard stands in front of entrance designated by shelter signs over doors which open to a passageway leading to the shelter. This underground shelter in the Boeing Company-Wichita Division plant is stocked for 600 people. (16 May 1968)

CD1358- Fire extinguisher, emergency telephones, medical supplies, etc., in dual-use tunnel and fallout shelter in the Boeing Company-Wichita Division plant. The shelter can accommodate 500 people. (16 May 1968)

CD1359- Four way intersection in dual-use tunnels and fallout shelters in the Boeing Company-Wichita Division plant. These tunnel-shelters can accommodate 12000 people. (16 May 1968)

CD1360- Security Guard Harold Thompson examines emergency supplies in a wall case in a dual-use tunnel and fallout shelter in the Boeing Company-Wichita Division plant. The shelter can accommodate 1500 people. (16 May 1968)

CD1361 Security Guard Harold Thompson examines radiological instruments stored in a wall cabinet in dual-use tunnel and fallout shelter in the Boeing Company-Wichita Division plant. The shelter can accommodate 1500 people. (16 May 1968)

CD1362- Security Guard Harold Thompson tests emergency civil defense telephone in dual- use tunnel and fallout shelter in the Boeing Company-Wichita Division plant. The shelter can accommodate 500 people. (16 May 1968)

CD1363- OCD sanitary supplies and medical kits stored in Boeing Company-Wichita Division plant. These supplies would provide for 12000 people for 14 days. (16 May 1968)

CD1364- Fallout shelter sign marking entrance into the hallway off the east distribution area. This hallway leads into the cafeteria at the Boeing Company-Wichita division plant. The cafeteria shelter can accommodate 1500 people. (16 May 1968)

CD1365- Dual-use snack bar and fallout shelter in the Boeing Company-Wichita Division plant cafeteria. The shelter can accommodate 1500 people.