About me? So What...

Though in case you are wondering.....
I have been collecting Civil Defense stuff since 1978 and I've been exploring fallout shelters etc almost as long. My interest in Civil Defense started with my interest in World War II when I was a kid. I guess my interest officially started when I began noticing Fallout Shelter signs. As a kid I associated them with the air raid shelters of World War II. The photo at right was taken in 2002. I am standing under the Fallout Shelter sign that began all of this. This shelter sign is located in a medical building in Dallas. I would always check out the sign when my mom took me to the doctor. When I looked at that sign I would always think to myself "I wonder what's down there." Thinking back on it now I probably should have just gone down the stairs to the basement and looked. If I would have done that I would have discovered my first stocked shelter at a much earlier age than I did because the city of Dallas CD and that shelter fully stocked.

My collection started in 1978 with an envelope full of CD stuff I received from the Dallas Office Of Emergency Preparedness. My collection has been growing ever since and has become almost unmanageable with the space I have. I have received many generous donations from Emergency Management folks and others over the last few years and I would like to thank all of them. My collection wouldn't be nearly what it is today without the great items (mainly radiation instruments) they have sent to me. I have even received some items from a couple of US Air Force bases. Thanks to everyone for everything!!! Now if I could just find somewhere to display all this stuff.


No, I'm not a "survivalist" (whatever that is) who has a bomb shelter in my backyard although I wouldn't mind having a bomb shelter because it would be nice to run the family down into if there was ever a large tornado approaching. Also if it was large enough it would make a cool recording studio.

I have other historical interests such as World War II/Cold War/Aircraft history/early naval history etc., neon signs, basic electronics, music (banging on a guitar, I wouldn't actually call it playing), any mechanical nonsense (I'm a "machinist" now but spent 12 years in the zany world of automotive service) and, of course, my family.

One more thing...

If anyone who might be reading this is ever involved in making a Cold War related documentary or history piece keep in mind there was so much more to Civil Defense than Bert The Turtle and Duck And Cover. Bert's cool but he's everywhere. I guess Bert's the most convenient thing to pull out of the can when putting something together. That's why you won't find Bert here because he's everywhere else.

Media Credits

November 2000
Watt's Happening, Red River Valley Electrical Co-Op newsletter. Interview for story about fallout shelter at Soldier Creek Resort.

February 2001
Memphis Magazine. Interview for story about Memphis Civil Defense.

October 8, 2001
eWeek magazine.
Site mention.

February 5, 2002
Austin American Statesman.
Interveiw for article about a Thunderbolt siren in Austin.

October 2002
American Heritage Magazine Interview for story on NASK canned water.

February 15, 2003
KDFW Channel 4 News story about my collection of stuff and this web site.

March 8, 2003
Dallas Morning News. Interview for story about the old Dallas Emergency Operations Center at Fair Park in Dallas. Included another trip to the old Dallas EOC.

Spring 2003
Colorado Heritage Magazine Provided scan of poster for article on Denver Civil Defense plan.

June 2003
Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists. Provided scans of posters for article on Civil Defense.

December 2003
Poughkeepsie Journal. Interview for article about fallout shelter supplies found in basement of the Journal's building.

May 20, 2004
The Pacific Northwest Inlander
Interview and provided poster scans for article about Civil Defense.

January 20, 2005
The Weekly News Of Cooke County Story about the Valley View Thunderbolt siren.

November 28, 2007
The Blade, Toledo Ohio Interview for article about fallout shelters.

Fallout Shelter - Designing For Civil Defense In The Cold War by David Monteyne

Provided image scans. Fallout Shelter by David Monteyne
Some Special CDM Thanks....
Dallas Office Of Emergency Preparedness (Sent me the first pack of CD stuff back in the late 70's)

Earl's Locksmith (Don't ask)

The two guys who bought all of Dallas' CD stuff back in, what was it, 1980?

Fort Worth Office Of Emergency Management (Keith W.)

Rob Stone!!!

FEMA Region 6 (John Roberts.)

Texas Dept. Of Health Services - BRC

radmeters4u.com (Shane)

Bob Franke who mailed the Corps of Engineers shelter photos to me a few years ago so I could scan them.

Midland County Emergency Services

Cooke County EM/Fire Marshal, Ray Fletcher

Mike S.!

Square Air!

George Brown!!!!

Mike Mathis!!

Danny L.

The Arnold Brothers From Montana
And many more!!
Civil Defense Museum Site Index
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