National Fallout Shelter Program Public Shelters Virtual Tours
Building At Baylor University, Waco, Texas

I went wandering around Baylor University in Waco, Texas while shelter hunting the first weekend of 2003 and found a good example of a marked shelter. This shelter area is located in, I think, one of the science buildings. I forgot to take a picture of the outside of the building and I can't remember the building name. As you walk in the front door there is a shelter sign, complete with 2 arrows, to the left of the double doors that lead down into the basement. I wish there would have been someone around that could have answered some of our questions. It would have been fun to find out if there may have still be supplies stashed down there somewhere.

The stairway leading down into the basement area.

The basement area runs the length of the building and has offices and labs.

Immediately to the right as you walk into the hallway is a shelter sign. The thing looks like it was posted yesterday except for the slight mark where the capacity sticker was peeled away. The sign has been very carefully painted around over the years.