United States Navy
Computer-Indicator Radiac


CP-95A/PD Computer-Indicator Radiac
Reads DT-60/PD Series Dosimeters
Two Ranges: 0 - 200 & 0 - 600 Roentgens
(Minimum 10 Roentgen Detection)
Manufactured By: Speciality Assembling & Packing Co., Inc.
Uses 110 volt AC.   Dimensions: 15" wide x 9" deep x 8½" high
Case is manufactured in all aluminum, with rubber gasket seal.
Serial Number : A 28
Unit shows 8 Field Modifications...I don't know what they are.
Unit comes with front cover, power cord, ground cable, TL-652/U dosimeter tool,
two spare fuses, spare 4 watt UV lamp, allen wrench, a spare photomultiplier tube
 and (3) calibration dosimeters.

Complete instructions for use are on the front name plate. See scan below.

Government cost in 1969: $240.00

Front Panel

Front panel with power on.
Note: Green light indicates when Ultra Violet lamp is lit not when power is on.
Meter face is illuminated by two bulbs.

Inside view of top of unit.
All components are marked.
Note spare bulb and tube mounted on right side, allen wrench is mounted on left side.

Inside view of bottom of unit.
All components are marked.

Accessories Included:
Power cord, ground cable, TL-652/U dosimeter tool, (2) spare ¾ amp fuses,
 spare 4 watt Ultra Violet lamp, allen wrench, a spare photomultiplier tube
and (3) calibration dosimeters.

Complete instructions are on the Model / Serial nameplate.

CP-95/PD & CP-95A/PD Tools
Shown above are the tools for dis-assembling the DT-60/PD series dosimeters

Top: TL-645/U Wrench, Spanner, Face

Shown holding a Canadian issue DT-60/PD
This is to hold the dosimeter while unscrewing the halves. From the CP-95/PD
Middle: TL-629U Wrench, Spanner
The chain is for hooking into the cover of the CP-95/PD, for storage. From the CP-95/PD
Bottom: TL-652/U Wrench, Spanner, Pin
This is from the CP95A/PD, there is a snap on the back for storage in the cover.
The CP-95A/PD does not come with a wrench to hold the dosimeters.
Shown at bottom is another Canadian issue DT-60/PD that is opened.

DT-60/PD Series Dosimeters Here

Compare to the CP-95/PD

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