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Aboveground Home Fallout Shelter Tour

Zilker Park Fallout Shelter Austin, Texas
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The underground section of the shelter is a round corrugated metal-walled room about 8-10 feet in diameter. It appears to be a small grain storage bin that was put into the ground with concrete poured over it. There is a center pole from the peak of ceiling to the floor. Click All Images To See Larger.

Shelter Room Hatch & Ladder

The above left photo was taken looking up from the bottom of the ladder. The hatch is closed. Closing the hatch made the shelter feel even smaller. Next to the entry opening there is a single wire coming through a small hole in the ceiling. I assume this wire is some sort of antenna wire to allow radio reception in the shelter.

In the above right photo the hatch is open. The reason the photos have different tint is because in some photos I used flash and some photos I didn't use flash.

This is a series of three photos which are spliced together that were taken around the room starting at the entry ladder. There is a small counter and two bunks built-in on one side of the round room. The large cork-shaped things on the counter are plugs to seal the air pipe openings in the ceiling (see photo at bottom of page). I assume that these were to prevent blast pressure from entering the shelter. In the center photo, above the fan on the counter, there is a dark circle visible on the ceiling next to the wall of the shelter. This is one of the air pipe openings.

This is a series of 2 photos spliced together of the other half of the room. The right photo section shows a metal bracket mounted to the wooden bunk framework. This bracket was where the air ventilation blower mounted. Directly above the metal bracket another air vent pipe opening (dark circle) can be seen on the ceiling. Unfortunately the air ventilation blower was missing. It would have been interesting to operate it and see how much air it would have moved through the shelter.

Air Pipe Seal Plugs

Here's a close-up crop of the above photo of the air pipe seal plugs. I can't remember what they were made of. I believe they were about 3-4 inches in diameter.

Go back up the ladder.


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