Civil Defense
Course Film Stills Section.
Page 2

Selected still images from the Civil Defense Radiological Monitor Course Film CD 3-212

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Part 2-Area Monitoring.

A call comes in from the Emergency
Operations Center.

Consulting the EOC map to give directions to the Radiological Monitor.

Put on the hat, coat and gloves before heading out of the shelter.

Zero the CD V-742 Dosimeter before leaving the shelter so the accumulated radiation dose can be monitored during the mission.

Heading out in the Chevy on the mission.

It's a busy day down in the Radiological Monitoring Station-shelter.

The Civil Defense director has a request for a monitoring mission outside the shelter.

Back at the monitoring station the CD V-715 high-range survey meter is warmed up.

Tape those pant legs shut to keep fallout particles from entering.

Strap on the CD V-715 before leaving the monitoring station shelter.



Click here to continue the
mission on Page Three.