United States Military
Measures 0 - 500 Roentgens / Hour
Serial Number: 00475 Built in 1967
Manufactured By: Canadian Admiral Corporation
Unit uses one 1½ Volt dry battery, type BA-3030 or "D" Cell.
Unit Measures: 6½" long x 4¼"wide x 5" tall.
Radiacmeter case item number: CY-2446B/PD
Name Plate shown on left.
Controls shown on right.
The IM-174 series radiacmeter is a portable tactical monitoring
and survey instrument designed to measure
the dose rate of gamma radiation. It is normally issued on the basis of one
per platoon-size unit.
Once nuclear operations have started company battery troop units use the IM-174
series radiacmeter
to monitor for radiation. When monitoring reports do not provide sufficient
information for evaluation of
contaminated areas, a radiological survey may be directed. The IM-174 series
radiacmeter is one instrument
used to perform radiological surveys which determine the extent and dose
rates of radiation in the area.
The IM-174 series radiacmeter is a high-range dose rate meter which measures
gamma radiation
in units from 0 to 500 cGy (rad) /hr. The IM-174A PD may be equipped with
an instrument light.
There are two types of instrument lights, a waterproof type and a non-waterproof
The IM-174B PD has a built-in instrument light which is actuated by pushing
on the function switch.
The B model is similar to the IM-174A PD in all other capabilities and characteristics.
The IM-174 series radiacmeter consists of three major assemblies:
A radiacmeter housed in a waterproof case, a carrying case composed of vinyl
impregnated nylon,
and a canvas sling. The radiacmeter is normally operated within the carrying
The carrying case can be carried by either the sling assembly or the belt clip.
Snap fasteners, located on the front and sides of the carrying case, allow removal
of the radiacmeter.
The carrying case for the IM-174A/PD has three snap fasteners, one in the front
and one on each side.
The carrying case for the IM-174/PD has four snap fasteners, two in the front
and one on each side.
The IM-174A/PD and the IM-174B/PD single battery type are similar. The difference
between the two models
is that the IM-174A/PD may be equipped with an instrument light and the IM-174B/PD
has the instrument
light built in. Meter illumination is completely internal on the B model. Both
models have similar operating
and maintenance procedures. There also is a multi-battery type IM-174A/PD.
The IM-174A/PD front panel meter has one scale which reads from 0 to 500 cGy(rad)/hr.
The scale also contains a zeroing point and a CHECK band. A calibration
control covered by a protective
cap is located on the front panel.
Inside View
Note the Ion Chamber is removable.
Front View showing meter face. Calibration adjustment is under cap on the lower
Battery compartment shown open.
During the starting procedure and the operating procedure,
the radiacmeter should be zero-adjusted and
operated while the meter is in the same plane. (For example, if the meter is
horizontal with respect to
the ground during zero-adjustment, the meter should be kept in a horizontal
position during the
remainder of the starting and operating procedures.) If the plane of the
meter is changed,
the meter should again be zero-adjusted; otherwise, incorrect readings
may be obtained.
Government price in 1969: $60.00
Note: This unit and the PDR/27 Series Radiacmeters
have been replaced by the AN/VDR-2