United States Navy
Device 5SC1A
Nuclear Attack Survival
Study Card Set

This is a pack of study cards the same size as regular playing cards.
The front has a question relating to nuclear energy and the back has the answer.
According to the instructions, this is how they are used:

1. Study all of the cards, then shuffle the deck.
2. Hold up a card and read the question(s).
3. Answer the question(s).
4. Repeat for each card in the deck, placing all correct cards in one pile,
incorrect cards in another pile.
5. Score 1 point for each card answered correctly:
50 - 53 correct equals EXCELLENT
45 - 49 correct equals GOOD
40 - 44 correct equals FAIR
6. To improve your score, study the incorrect pile of cards and repeat the game.

Produced in 1969 for the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Air) by the Naval Training Device
Center in Orlando Florida.
Contract Number: N61339-70-C-0180

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