The Lovelace Foundation
for Medical Education and Research

Nuclear Bomb Effects Computer

Designed by The Lovelace Foundation for:
Civil Effects Test Operations AEC-Biology And Medicine

Contract AT(29-1)1242
Produced by: J.B. Carroll Company, Chicago 12, Ill.

Based on data from "The Effects of Nuclear Weapons"
Original Edition was 1957
Revised Edition 1962 / Reprinted February 1964
Edited by: Samuel Glasstone
Prepared by the United States Department of Defense
Published by the United States Atomic Energy Commission

Note: My copy is the Revised Edition Reprinted February 1964
This computer is a companion to the above book but was sold separately for an extra $1.00
The price of the book was $3.00, both of these prices are from 1964.

Click above photographs for larger views.
Click here for a copy of the instructions included with this calculator.

From the August 2003 issue of Discover Magazine: Slide Rules  /  The First Nerd Tool
This is what was said about this calculator: along with a full page picture.

Slide rules literally went out with a bang. The Manhattan Project physicists who designed the first atom bomb
 used them for preliminary calculations. Later, disk-type rules such as the 1960s Nuclear Bomb Effects
 Computer were designed to calculate crater sizes and post-explosion radiation levels.

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